Saturday, February 23, 2013


Annnnnnd it's basically March. When did that happen? After spending a little time in NYC and Chicago, I have a new appreciation for you people that spend an entire winter actually having to wear winter clothes and deal with snow all whilst keeping track of two mittens and a pair of earmuffs. After what I would describe as a hiatus from life as I knew it (probably more of a permanent change), I'mmmm BACK. Well, not really. Gave up my social life for lent...or tax busy season gave it up for me, so these posts will more than likely be few and far between until post-April 15th. 

Regardless, I've been meaning to share my obsession with ombre (on anything) and chambray shirts. Remember, in middle school, when tie-dye was cool/acceptable? Maybe it was just me, but I'm pretty sure I still own a rainbow tie-dyed skirt from 8th grade that literally EVERYONE wanted. Don't worry--I've only saved it for theme-party purposes. Anyway, ombre is like the tie-dye's classier, more sophisticated older sister. Paired with a strong solid (black is typically my color of choice), it's eye-catching and edgy even in a neutral. It looks great in a pant, a shirt, swimwear, dresses, skirts AND accessories--assuming it's done tastefully. But, unlike a lot of trends, I haven't seen it executed in an unforgivable manner...yet. Shit, even Target figured it out!

Obviously I love this look because of the shirt. After all, it incorporates the my two favorite things right now. But on top of everything, it's incredibly comfortable. Leggings, an over sized infinity scarf and some comfy booties and you're set. For lunch, shopping, class, casual Friday--whatever you're up to. I think I wore this exact outfit on at least four different flights over the past two months....hopefully the flight attendants weren't keeping tabs...


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